"I simply do not think that yelling, swearing, threatening or
belittling will get you to the place you want to be faster than kindness,
understanding, patience and a little willingness to compromise."
---Rachel Nichols
This quote really hit home for me recently, and I was all about
the Zen. Taking things as they come, learning to wait, developing patience and
understanding; that was going to be my new normal. I was going to be kind and
benevolent; listening more and talking less and the world was going to sit up
and notice and, maybe even give me a parade. A quiet, slow, ceremony with lots
of peace and compassion, much like myself…and then I woke up. Seriously, who
the feck do I think I am?
No one who has spent more than ten minutes with me can picture me
as a peaceful presence, staring at the sky and welcoming the universe or
something. More often than not, if I'm looking skyward, it's because there's a
couple of mean squirrels in the trees over my driveway, pelting me with acorns
and chattering at me as I threaten and belittle them. Swearing? Oh yes,
definitely. That's why I had to write a whole book because this is a family
paper; some things cannot be said here, and I'm trying to behave, so if you
want the entire story, buy the book.
The issue is real, however. It will come as no surprise to anyone
who hasn't been under a rock for the last 18 months, that we are a land divided.
While it's not quite the Civil War, and brothers are, thankfully, not fighting
each other on the blood-soaked fields of Gettysburg, within the political
arena, and in our own social circles, there is a great divide. It's real, and
it's growing wider every day. I don't ever remember it being this polarized. I
was a wee tot when the Vietnam war was going on, but I do remember my mother
telling us about the time a neighbor found out that her son had been killed in
Vietnam. She recalled seeing the car pull up, a Marine and a priest get out and
she knew immediately what was going on. All of a sudden it was real and not
just some jittery footage on the nightly news.
Today, of course, it's different, and the news is a heartbeat
away. Something happens thousands of miles away, but we know about it immediately. It's a
whole different landscape and dealing with it is quite a task. That's what I
see as an issue. While we want to "meet in the middle" our landscape,
politically, is this side or that side. With no middle ground. That doesn't
work for me, not at all.
Believe me I'm not a person who wants to hold hands and buy the
world a Coke. I'm much too cranky for that. Buy your own damn drink, unless
it's my birthday or St. Patrick's Day. Then again, is this separation good for
us? Is this what we want? Wouldn't it be
better for us to reach out to those with whom we disagree and ask, "Can we
talk?" Wouldn't that be a better idea? I swear I don't know, but I do know
that we, as a society, have gone past the idea of working together and have
moved on to "Us" vs. "Them." How is that helpful? Oh, right
it's not.
Believe me, I have yelled, I have sworn, I have threatened. Yet,
here we are, still divided. Man, that has to stink, right? Here I am, a
newspaper columnist and I can't fix the world or even the disagreement I see in
my own life, how can that be? My father, who would be ninety years old this
week, had he lived, would be laughing his butt off at me at this point because
as much as he believed in me, he knew that change had to come from more than
one person's ranting. Most of us cannot fix what we feel is wrong; that is just
reality. We can shout, and cry and stamp our feet, but the world goes on,
regardless of what we might think. I refuse to believe, however, that nothing
can be done. I will be looking for what I can do, even if it doesn't seem like
much. Fair warning, there will be swearing. Who's with me?
This article really touched a place in my life/heart. "I'd love to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony". However, Brenda Kelly kim, I can swear if need be! 😘