“The simple fact is that each day you have a choice. You can be a germ and infect people with your negative energy, or you can be a big dose of vitamin C and infuse them with your positive energy.”
---Jon Gordon, author “The Positive Dog”
This is the quote I used just about a year ago when our nationwide nightmare of COVID-19 began. When we all thought it would be two weeks of no school, and then it would be resolved. Well, turns out it wasn't like that at all. Here's what I thought then, and now.
Then: As I'm writing this, I half expect to look out my window and see Negan walking by with his barbed wire bat because it seems like we're all trapped in a bad episode of "The Walking Dead." Now, full disclosure, I am not a scientist or a medical professional. I barely passed high school chemistry, and I have no idea what RNA, cell apoptosis, and virology have to do with the price of toilet paper at Market Basket.
Now: Honestly, some days I still expect Negan to stroll by, but it’s not toilet paper anymore. Or hand sanitizer, or puzzles, or baking supplies. It’s vaccinations. Yes, that is progress, no one is happier than me about it, but now there’s more of a way forward, we can see it, and it makes it that much more difficult to be calm and relaxed, we are so close. Let’s not screw this up now is essentially what I’m hoping, we’ve made it this far, just a little more.
Then: “Wash your hands. It’s basic hygiene, and there shouldn’t have to be a global pandemic to get people to do it. Weren’t we already washing our hands regularly? Please tell me we haven’t all been wandering around dragging our snoogery boogery fingers all over every available surface? The stakes are a little higher now, so we need the reminders. However, there is no need to go to the store and buy 5 cases of water, 400 rolls of toilet paper, and every jug of Purell on the shelf, so you can stack it up in your garage. You’re not making yourself any safer, you just look silly. Cut it out.”
Now: Same goes! I heard a statistic the other day that said flu cases were down, and that many doctors believe it's not just from lockdowns and working at home. The masks, the handwashing, the cautiousness of not getting too close to people, not picking at your nose and face, and yes, wearing the damn mask, seem to have had a bonus benefit of keeping other bugs away too.
Then: Check on your neighbors. Not everyone can run to BJ’s or Costco and bring home a Suburban full of granola bars and canned soup. COVID-19 is especially dangerous for the elderly or those with chronic illnesses like asthma and COPD. Look around; there is likely someone nearby that needs a pot of stew or a pan of lasagna on their doorstep. Call your friends that live alone, chat them up. You know that big square electronic thing most of us have shoved in a pocket? It can make phone calls, so reach out and touch someone, just not with your germy hands.
Now: Yes, you still need to check in on neighbors, again, like handwashing, this shouldn't take a pandemic to be the norm. Taking care of each isn't a "new normal" (hate that expression) it's what should have been happening all along. Snowstorms, power outages, and just regular life can be tough for some of us. Lend a hand, but wash it first, OK?
Then: “Calm the heck down. About everything. Freaking out never solves anything, so chill, if you can. There’s no need to get all bent out of shape unless Netflix goes offline, or we lose power. If that happens, I’m reaching for my bat. In the meantime, try to be as positive as you can. Be well, be nice and be safe.”
Now: Well….I was overreaching on this. figured that by saying calm down to everyone else, I would calm down too. Nope. Didn’t happen, I’m still walking around all stressed up and no one to choke. I’m getting there though, I’ve stopped doom scrolling for hours on CDC guidelines, COVID rates, and testing sites so that’s good. I’ve also stopped telling other people how to feel or what to do…well, in theory anyway. It still kind of happens a lot. Working on it!
So much can change in a year; that has never been more true. There remain some challenges, for sure, but while no one thought last year that this is where we’d be now, if we had been told what it would be like, many would have said, “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly get through that, no way.” Well, if you’re reading this, you made it. So many didn’t, more than could have been imagined. Stand in gratitude that you got through it, and remember everything you learned. Your kids and grandkids will love the stories someday.